Through their work with Web development, virtual reality/360 video, drone journalism and multimedia storytelling, the team is looking to influence digital media disciplines.
Tag Archive for: USA
Arizona State University New Media Innovation and Entrepreneurship Lab: cutting-edge media innovation through app development
Andreea Florentina Dulgheru,,Innovation Case, Media labs, academic Lab, applications, entrepreneurship, gaming, Knight Foundation, prototypes, software, USA, virtual reality, Women Entrepreneurship Foundation,0
Arizona State University New Media Innovation and Entrepreneurship Lab is a research and development unit which focuses on producing cutting-edge products for media companies and educating students from various departments to enhance the regional and national media system.
University of Kansas Media Innovation Lab: bringing students, professors and industries together for media innovation
Andreea Florentina Dulgheru,,Innovation Case, Media labs, academic Lab, academic research, prototypes, software, training and education, USA,0
University of Kansas Media Innovation Lab is a multi-disciplinary lab which combines academic research with digital product development and teaching in order to foster media innovation, as well as help develop new project ideas.
Knight Lab at Northwestern: Q&A with Professor Joe Germuska
John Mills,,Innovation Case, Media labs, academic Lab, Knight Foundation, public engagement, software, USA,0
Northwestern University Knight Lab builds software that helps inform and engage the public
NYC Media Lab: a public-private partnership for innovation
John Mills,,Innovation Case, Media clusters, augmented reality, cluster, data science, design, internet of things, multidisciplinary, open innovation, partnerships, personalisation, public-private innovation, USA, UX, virtual reality,0
NYC Media Lab unites New York City-based companies, researchers and students to drive digital media development by creating an ‘open innovation ecosystem’