Short for ‘In video veritas’ (in video, there is truth), InVID is creating a platform that allows journalists to verify video content from social networks more easily.
Archive for category: Media labs
The Brown Institute for Media Innovation: cross-pollinating innovation and “Magic” on America’s coasts
Ben Carter,,Innovation Case, Media labs, academic Lab, data journalism, funding, multidisciplinary, storytelling, training and education, USA, virtual reality,0
Exploring new forms of storytelling, with the intent of furthering both engineering research and journalistic practice.
J-Lab: aiding new media start-ups through training, consultancy and research
Andreea Florentina Dulgheru,,Innovation Case, Media labs, entrepreneurship, funding, incubator, startups, training and education, USA,0
Focused on civic journalism and media entrepreneurship, J-Lab is a US-based national incubation centre that aims to promote digital media innovation within traditional media organisations and journalism start-ups.
Texas State University MILab: Introducing media innovation into university teaching
Andreea Florentina Dulgheru,,Innovation Case, Media labs, 360 digital filming, academic research, coding, digital media, training and education, USA, virtual reality,0
Through their work with Web development, virtual reality/360 video, drone journalism and multimedia storytelling, the team is looking to influence digital media disciplines.
Théophraste: building relationships within the company and with the start-up ecosystem
Andrea Wagemans,,Innovation Case, Media labs, accelerator, France, incubator, newspaper, partnerships, Pay wall, sports,0
The French Sud Ouest newspaper in Bordeaux is inviting local start-ups to share office space and resources from within the organisation to help accelerate their development.