Ouest Médialab: a cluster and independent media lab that supports the regional digital transition Andrea Wagemans,August 14, 2018August 14, 2018,Innovation Case, Media labs, cluster, experiments, France, Hackathon, multidisciplinary, regional journalism, students,0 Ouest Médialab brings together a variety of actors around digital innovation projects in the French regions Pays de la Loire and Bretagne. Continue reading
RED/ACCION: both a formal innovation lab and daily experimentation in the newsroom Andrea Wagemans,July 24, 2018July 24, 2018,Innovation Case, Media labs, applications, Argentina, digital media, mobile journalism, students,0 It's important to have the space, the resources and the time to experiment and learn on a daily basis in the newsroom. "We don’t want the Maker Lab to be the only place where experimentation and learning take place", says Chani Guyot. Continue reading
Stibo Accelerator: inviting students and startups to help boost creativity and innovation John Mills,June 14, 2016April 18, 2018,Innovation Case, Media labs, accelerator, Denmark, students,0 Inviting students and startups in to help boost creativity and innovation Continue reading