Shaping the future of AI-licensing

Data Marketplace for News Publishers and AI Providers

Data Marketplace for News Publishers and AI Providers

By 2026, the high-quality language data required to build large language models and AI applications will be exhausted while the demand for such data continues to rise. News publishers are in possession of these valuable data resources and could create additional revenue streams by licensing the data to AI providers. Yet, several obstacles prevent the realisation of synergies between both parties.

Publishers face hurdles such as:

  • Illicit content usage
  • High volume of data transactions
  • Increasing number and types of players in the market

AI providers encounter obstacles like:

  • Lack of automated provision of high-quality and novel data
  • Security and compliance issues

Valid offers a revolutionary solution enabling parties to sovereignly license and directly transact high-quality data. With Valid publishers can control their content against unauthorised usage, set their own licensing conditions and receive direct remuneration from data users. AI providers benefit by accessing high-quality, secure data in an enriched manner, automatically obtaining the necessary licenses for their products and ensuring compliance with AI regulations.

Valid’s features are bespokely designed to streamline data transactions between news publishers and AI providers fostering a mutually beneficial ecosystem where data integrity and security are paramount.

Get in touch with us to shape the future of AI-licensing!

Learn more here.



Global Alliance for Media Innovation ©2024

Global Alliance for Media Innovation

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