3 NOV 2015 – WORKSHOP: the role of News Publishers in HORIZON 2020

You are a news publisher, a supplier serving the news media branch, or a lab research centres engaged with the future of news and journalism. You are committed to accelerate the transformation of news, adapt your organisations and business to the fast changing user behaviors. Resources, tech support, expertise, and funding capacity are a bottleneck in your strategy to rapidly advance the best innovations to the market.

The Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Framework programme can help you kick off your strategy for new innovative and actionable products and services.

This workshop will help you navigate Horizon 2020, its programmes and funding resources. You will meet publishers, research labs and will engage with the officers in charge of the programming of the Media programme at Horizon 2020. Real examples of the potential, challenges in the branch will be discussed, together with an innovative business and investor perspective.

Free workshop. registration required.

Horizon 2020 is a powerful tool to advance innovation and talents in the news publishing market. But its potential is hardly known by private news media organizations across Europe. We believe there is a need to start a discussion among major publishers, innovation labs, and representatives from the European Commission Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content & Technology, DG Connect.

We will talk through theimplications of research and innovation and technology transfer for the news publishing branch. We will explore the guidelines that could contribute to the build up of a dedicated strategic roadmap for future European projects in the news media branch.

Planned to run from 2014 to 2020 with an €80 billion budget, the EU’s Programme for research and innovation provides funding for every stage of the innovation process from basic research to market uptake, in line with the EU’s commitments under the “Innovation Union”. We will review what is already in the pipeline at the European level, and how news publishers can benefit from the Horizon2020 framework.

08:30-09:00 ** Welcome coffee **

09:00 Introduction : WAN IFRA, Vincent Peyrègne, CEO
GAMI / Rolf Dyrnes Svendsen, Advisory Board President, Director Editorial Chief Adressavisen, NxtMedia Norway Chairman / NEM, Jean Dominique Meunier, President / Prof. dr. Caroline Pauwels,Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

09:20 CEO keynote. The Publisher’s strategic perspective. Why innovation matters.
Sindre Østgård, CEO at Tinius Trust and Blommenholm Industrier

10:00 News organization innovation case studies. Keys to success in innovation from a panel of news publishers

* MEDIAHUIS Annick Deseure, Digital Manager Data, Mediahuis, Robby Wauters, iMinds, Danny Lein, Twipe, Belgium

* LE MATIN Philippe Messeiller, Deputy Chief editor, Digital Projects, Le Matin, Switzerland

* RCS MEDIA GROUP Marco Fanciulli, Director Media labs, RCS, Italy

* HAYMARKET Andy Clough, Editor-in-Chief, What Hi-Fi? magazine, Haymarket, UK

* THE IRISH TIMES Deirdre Veldon, Managing Editor, The Irish Times, Ireland

* NXTMEDIA Rolf Dyrnes Svendsen, Editor and Jon Espen Ingvaldsen, Postdoctoral Researcher, NxtMedia, Norway – Stig Waagboe, CEO Schibsted Tech Polska, Poland

* DG CONNECT Alberto Rabbachin, Scientific Programme Officer, European Commission Directorate, General for Communications Networks, Content & Technology Unit G1 – Converging Media & Content

12:30 Q&As

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Lorena Boix, Head of Unit, Converging media and content, DG CONNECT, European Commission

14:30 Q&As

14:45 What do research institutes and innovation clusters have to offer to the publishers? Projects and cases by :

* NTNU Andrew Perkis, Dr, Techn., NTNU, Norway

* VUB Ike Picone, Senior Researcher, iMinds-SMIT Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

* EPFL Nicolas Henchoz, Director, EPFL+ECAL Lab, Switzerland

* PUCRS Eduardo Campos Pellanda, Famecos – PUCRS, Brazil

* UCLAN Paul Egglestone, Chair of Creative & Digital Technologies, Media Innovation Studio, UCLAN, UK

16:15 Q&A’s

16:45 Key take aways / next steps

17:00 end of the workshop


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